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Life is all about the pivot.

Life is all about the pivot.

Lost your job?




Dreams not taking off?


We aren't taught this as kids or as teens and in reality.......even if we were taught this? It truly takes hands-on life experience to teach us about the pivot. We have to experience loss and hard knocks, failed dreams and wrong roads to learn the true and real meaning of the pivot.

What does pivot mean?

It means being able to change direction when life pulls the rug out from under you.


Of course not.

You're human, right?

You will need a moment....a day...a month..maybe more..maybe years to find your new path, gain your bearings, accept the truth and move forward.

You don't have to be positive when you feel negative and down but you want to know some truth?

Your brain is hardwired for confirmation bias. What does this mean?

It means that what you think and tell yourself? Your brain is listening and it believes you.

If you tell yourself over and over, "My life is crap. I can't get over this hard time. I can't heal my heart. I can't start over." Then......your brain will believe you. It will find things and ways and ideas out in the world to confirm what you have been telling it.

If you start slowly. Ever...ever so slowly to pivot? Pivot from those down and dark thoughts and start to think and tell yourself, "I can get through this. Does it suck? Yes. Is it painful? Yes. But I can trudge through. I can start over. I can find happiness and joy and heck, maybe even laughter again. I can dream a new dream." ..........If you pivot to these thoughts? Your brain will? You guessed it! It will pivot because of? Confirmation bias. It is always searching in the world for what you tell it. So if you tell it to find healing and laughter, happiness and new dreams? It will find it everywhere you look. It will pivot.

Love always, Nik

Coffee’s brewing, light’s on…reach out if you need someone to listen. Your story is SAFE with me. Private message me or my email is: I answer ALL of your messages, emails, texts. All of them. YOU are not alone. I am here and I care about you. There is a beautiful light inside of you that can never be bent, bruised, or shattered. I believe that we all have the ability to rise through any trials or struggles in our life with grace, joy, and God's everlasting LOVE. ​ ​💫🌙 His love endures forever. Psalm 136💫🌙 ​

Please, reach out if you need someone to listen to your story. I'm here and I care about you. You are not alone. I am the founder of The Brave Ladies Club on Facebook as well as Grief Untamed & Manhood Untamed. My totally free support groups that help bring people together from all over the world. Because when you've experienced trauma? You truly just want to feel like you aren't the only one..that you aren't alone. Dear one, you are wrapped in warmth and light. Reach out anytime. xo Your stories are safe in my heart. If you need a place to lay down the load you're carrying. Please, reach out.

My FREE Facebook support groups. The Brave Ladies Club: Support group for women who lost a spouse/partner to suicide. Women only. Grief Untamed: Support group for all death related grief. All Women & Men ages 18-100 are welcome. Manhood Untamed: Men's mental health support group. MEN only. The Brave Ladies Club Sequel: Support group for women who are 2 plus years past the suicide of their spouse/partner. A place to heal, find joy, and live forward.

Comment on my writing: “Nik, Astounding. But, I am not surprised. I have just fallen upon your fabulous presence, via whatever mechanisms that seem to conspire such things. Your experience is the gift, ultimately to us all. Thank you for seeing the gift, and thank you so much for being one who understands the duty to share. The beauty is that you know what I mean."



Copyright Nikki Bonkoski 2025

All images and text on this blog are credited to Nikki Bonkoski, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Nikki Bonkoski is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links to this blog are permitted, providing that full credit is given to Nikki Bonkoski with clear and specific direction to the original content.

Website designer: Nikki Bonkoski 


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